High schools: Are you planning 2025? Let ITC help!
The end of the 2024 school year is fast approaching, and on top of managing exam time, schools are also in the midst of planning for the upcoming year.
And ITC can help!
It’s our vision to inspire students all over New Zealand to pursue a career in airline, travel or tourism. Our dedicated Schools Team provide quality education, short courses, and tourism resources to secondary schools throughout the country.
ITC Short Courses for high schools
Our short courses are delivered nationwide and are an opportunity for students to gain credits towards NCEA levels 2 and 3. These cover different elements of travel, tourism and aviation.
Students get a taste of the tourism industry through site visits, guest speakers, and participating in exciting activities. Some of these are available online, which are self-directed and marked by our team.
We provide schools with Gateway workbooks that we mark, as well as other teacher resources, both paper-based and online.
The advantage of using ITC is that we have a dedicated Schools Team ready to support the planning process as you get set up for 2025.
Using left over budget for 2025
Each year, we support schools in utilising their budget wisely before it too late. If you are fortunate enough to have any budget left and would like to create a credit for 2025, please contact our Schools Coordinator: esther@itc.co.nz.
We can create a credit for tourism resources, virtual units, short courses, Gateway workbooks or any of those combinations.
ITC resources & tools for high schools
We continue to deliver quality education throughout New Zealand, offering schools support with our incredible options:
- Short courses: We have a number of level 2 and 3 Short Course options which cover different elements of travel, tourism and aviation.
- Tourism Class Resources: Named ‘I study’, these paper resources are relevant for tourism classes or independent student learning nationwide, with options for schools with or without accreditation to deliver tourism.
- Gateway: These resources are designed to support and influence the student’s experience while on a Gateway work placement, and are suitable for any year 12 or 13 student. The content of these Workbooks is generic so useful for any workplace.
- Tourism Academies: ITC has paired up with a number of academies in Auckland and Northland to offer a Business of Tourism Academy for high school students in Auckland City, South Auckland & Whangarei.
- Tourism Experiences: ITC has designed a unique Business of Tourism, Aviation & Airline and Adventure and Leadership option for high school students in Auckland City and South Auckland.
- Independent Student Learning: Whether you need extra credits for your students, additional content for those who have already completed work, or extra benefits for your classroom, our Independent Student Learning options are a perfect incentive to any year 11, 12 or 13 student.
- ITC Posters & Flyers: We have a number of different posters & brochures for you to display and utilise in your classroom, careers office or common areas in school.
- Personal Development Days: We provide FREE Personal Development (PD) days for teachers and staff to further your knowledge of our products, services, industry, and changes to meet school and NZQA requirements.
We have a dedicated team ready to support your needs. If you would like to book for 2025 and create a specialised option, please reach out to us now at schools@itc.co.nz
Posted in In Schools, News | Tagged High Schools, ITC in Schools, Schools Team, Short courses, Tourism Academies | Leave a reply