International Travel College

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Why work in tourism or aviation?

New Zealand’s tourism sector is supporting communities across New Zealand, directly and indirectly employing 317,514 New Zealanders and providing a critical contribution to our economy.

The data also shows that Tourism is also a major employer, directly and indirectly employing one in 9 New Zealanders.

Tourism second largest export earner

The September 2024 International Visitor Survey data showing growth in international visitor spending. International visitors contributed $11.7 billion to New Zealand’s economy in the 12 months to September 2024. This marks a $2.8 billion increase, up 30% on the previous year. Find out more here.

What roles can I work in?

Whether you choose to work in hotels, events, attractions or elsewhere in the sector, there are always jobs available to graduates. With a magnitude of options to work abroad, providing even more opportunities for you to see the world.

Pathway to a career in tourism or aviation

Since 1996, ITC has been providing quality education and advice to help support the future of our tourism and aviation industry. We work extensively with our industry.  Our industry connections ensure that ITC graduates have the most up-to-date range of practical skills, knowledge, and technical abilities needed for their new career. 

We’ve carefully put together a number of pathway documents to help anyone considering one of these very exciting roles.  Click the pathways below to discover how you can reach your career goals:

Do you want to begin your pathway now?

Then look no further and book a time for a no obligation  information session with one of the ITC team over the phone or in person.  This will give you an opportunity to discuss the best course options for you to study, in order to help you move in to your dream career. It is also a great way to get a feel for what a career in travel and tourism is like and whether or not it is right for you. We conduct our information session over the phone or on Campus with one of our friendly team.

Book a no obligation Information Session now:


Looking to enrol at ITC?

In just a few simple steps you can start improving your career and work towards gaining that dream job in the airline, travel & tourism industry. 

Step 1 – Application form


Step 2 – Information session

Book a time here or leave it to us and we will contact you when we receive the above application form to arrange a time that works for you.  Bring a friend or relative and let us help you discover the best option for you.

Our friendly team are here to support you through this process. If at any time you would like any support, please do not hesitate to contact us. Call toll free 0800 868747 or emailing