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What to do if you’re back at school – but don’t feel like it’s for you

Posted on 15/02/2023 by

Not sure if high school is the right choice for you this year? There is another option!

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

This famous quote is attributed to none other than Albert Einstein, and it’s a wise way of explaining that everyone is great at something – but we’re not all going to excel at the same things.

For example, some people do really well in school and enjoy their time there. For others, they’re left sitting in the classroom wondering why it just doesn’t feel quite right. And if you feel like a fish trying to climb a tree, then it might help to remember that there are other options!

The option to change what you study

The school year has just started, and we know that there are students around the country showing up to class every day even though they know it’s not for them.

That doesn’t mean that study or education isn’t for them – instead, what is taught in school might not be what they’re interested in. For example, you might already know that you’ll never want to work in an industry that requires maths or biology.

However, if you do know you’re interested in travel and tourism, then keep in mind that you can study that instead!

At ITC, we offer qualifications at level 3 that give students a solid foundation of skills and knowledge for working in the travel and tourism industry. Whether you love the idea of working for an airline, leading tours in some of New Zealand’s best tourism attractions, or helping people enjoy their holidays by working at a hotel, our courses can help you to get a foot in the door.

Not to mention, if you know your parents would never be ok with you leaving school at the start of the year, you can remind them that you would only be making the move to a different ‘school’ instead. Of course, you’re welcome to bring them along to an Open Day to learn more about ITC and what you’ll learn with us.

It’s not too late to enrol at ITC

The school year has almost begun at ITC, but it’s not too late to enrol!

We still have some spaces left in our level 3 courses, one of which starts on February 20th at our Auckland City campus, and the other two that start on February 27th at both our South Auckland and Whangarei campus.

If you’ve finished NCEA level 2, you can enrol and spend the next 20 weeks earning an internationally recognised certificate in travel and tourism at level 3.

You’ll learn all about the travel industry, and you’ll be trained in essential skills such as customer service, travel documentation, cross-cultural communication, and more. These skills are useful for many industries, so even if you don’t end up working in tourism, you’ll still have a valuable certificate to show potential employers.

So if you’re back at school and feeling like a fish out of water, we’d love to hear from you and help you find a course of study that you can actually be passionate about. Get in touch to find out more about our courses, or to enrol today.

Campus Study – 0800 TOURISM (0800 868747) or

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