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To all our #tourismheroes: We see you, and we’re thankful for you

Posted on 24/03/2020 by

Flights may be grounded, but we know there are still many #tourismheros working to help travellers all around the world.

In challenging times, some wise words from a man called Fred Rogers help us to focus on the good in the world. 

Fred Rogers once said:

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping’.” 

There are many, many helpers at the moment. Our doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals. Teachers, supermarket assistants, delivery drivers. Hospitality workers, baristas, customer service professionals. Friends and family caring for one another, neighbours checking in on each other, and even strangers sharing funny stories and memes on the internet to lighten our spirits. 

We are thankful for every single helper in this pandemic.

Today, we want to make a special shoutout to all our #tourismheroes – all of the people working in the tourism industry to help travellers navigate this exceptionally challenging time.

To the travel agents: 

We see you, and we’re thankful for you. 

Thank you for helping people get home safely to their families.

Thank you for helping people change flights and travel plans at the last minute.

Thank you for responding to hundreds of phone calls, emails, and social media messages.

To the flight attendants:

Thank you for keeping people comfortable in the air.

Thank you for helping people stay calm.

Thank you for showing up to work, despite great uncertainty.

To the airlines and airport staff: 

Thank you for helping to keep airports safe and secure.

Thank you for showing up for all travellers.

Thank you for looking after people. 

To the taxi, Uber, and bus drivers:

Thank you for transporting our international and domestic travellers.

Thank you for helping people get from the airport into self-isolation.

Thank you for continuing to help New Zealanders get to work. 

To the accommodation providers:

Thank you for caring for our visitors.

Thank you for helping those in self-isolation feel safe and comfortable.

Thank you for continuing to greet everyone with a smile and exceptional service, despite facing so much uncertainty. 

To the customer service representatives:

Thank you for responding to all of your customers.

Thank you for helping people to feel heard, seen, and supported.

Thank you for doing your best in challenging times.

To every single tourism worker – thank you, thank you, thank you. We see you, we are grateful for you, and we are thinking of you.

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