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Three inspiring speeches to watch at all stages of your tourism career

Posted on 30/10/2018 by

Listening to inspiring speeches is a great motivator.

Tourism is a fun, rewarding industry, but like any sector, it takes hard work, commitment, and a positive attitude to climb the career ladder.

Whether you’re a high school student, a recent graduate, or 20 years into your career, watching inspiring speeches is a great way to stay motivated (and an opportunity to learn from some of the world’s wisest people).

Here are three of our favourite inspiring speeches to watch (and rewatch) at all stages of your tourism career.

1. Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future,” Steve Jobs told a crowd of Stanford graduates in 2005.

In this speech, he shares how he went from college dropout to the CEO of Apple, Pixar, and other successful companies. The essence of his advice is this: it’s impossible to predict how everything is going to work out, but it’s important to take the first step(s). Follow your curiosities and passions, work hard and be willing to learn, and trust that everything will make sense in the future.

2. Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability

This presentation by Brene Brown is one of the most popular TED Talks of all time. Brene Brown is a researcher who has uncovered some incredible information about shame, vulnerability, and courage. She is a leading voice on how to be courageous in your everyday life, and shares some insightful tips for showing up with self-belief. This video is worth watching for your own personal development, as well as for insight on becoming a more understanding, compassionate person (which is a must in the people-focused tourism industry).

3. Simon Sinek on millennials in the workplace

Whether you are a millennial or you work with millennials, this interview with Simon Sinek is a must-watch. Millennials are changing the way we all work, and bring unique gifts (and challenges) to the workplace. This video might help you better understand your work style or the work style of those around you. It’s an interesting watch for employers and employees alike.

Do you have a favourite inspiring speech you watch again and again? Share in the comments below.

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