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These new air travel statistics will astound you

Posted on 09/10/2018 by

New statistics about global air travel reveal the huge impact of this industry around the world.

Did you know the air travel industry supports 65.5 million jobs around the world? And it’s worth $27.7 trillion in global economic activity?

These impressive figures come from a new research report by the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG).

ATAG is raising awareness about the size of the global air travel industry and the huge impact it has on millions of lives around the world.

Michael Gill, ATAG’s executive director, is encouraging people to pause and think about the sheer size and influence of air travel.

“Let’s take a step back and think about how advances in air transport have changed the way people and businesses connect with each other,” Mr Gill said at the ATAG Global Sustainable Aviation Summit in Geneva earlier this month.

“The reach we have today is extraordinary. More people in more parts of the world than ever before are taking advantage of safe, fast and efficient travel.”

Mr Gill believes aviation is also doing much to create peace in the world, as it requires countries to work together.

“By working with one another, learning from each other’s cultures and trading openly, we not only create a stronger economic outlook, but we also continue the conditions for peaceful interaction across the globe. Aviation is the key driver for this positive connectivity,” he says.

The report also found that the industry is growing; it’s expected to support 97.8 million jobs globally by 2036.

An aviation career is an excellent opportunity to participate in a truly global industry and be part of something special.

If you dream of working in the aviation industry, the New Zealand Certificate in Tourism with a Strand in Aviation is a good place to start.

This qualification is the perfect introduction to working in the aviation industry, and includes modules on dangerous goods, aviation security, airport geography, airline operations, check-in procedures, international travel documentation, flight attending, baggage processing, and more.

We are currently accepting enquiries for our January classes; it’s not too early to start thinking about studying next year. Get in touch today to register your interest and get your aviation career off to a flying start in 2019! 

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