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Learning outside the classroom: ITC students visit Te Tahawai Marae

Posted on 02/02/2016 by
ITC students visit Te Tahawai Marae to learn about Maori culture

ITC students learn how to weave flax and perform a traditional Maori song and dance at Te Tahawai Marae

A group of students from ITC’s South Auckland campus recently visited Te Tahawai Marae in Pakuranga to learn about Māori culture. The students are currently studying a cultural unit which requires them to research the many different cultures that are important to New Zealand’s tourism industry.

They were welcomed onto the marae with a traditional powhiri, followed by an engaging history lesson about the marae’s heritage. The group learned about the significance of some carvings and listened to stories that have been passed down from ancestors.

ITC tutor Cathy Alder said it was wonderful to see the students enjoy this special experience.

“As most of our students are from different parts of the world, this is sometimes their first time in a marae. This visit was a great insight into the beliefs and practices of Māori culture, as well as an insight as to how much this culture is a part of the New Zealand tourism industry,” says Cathy.


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