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ITC connects high schools with tourism industry

Posted on 15/09/2015 by
Teachers from around Auckland enjoy a fun afternoon at Rainbow's End as part of an ITC Professional Development Day

Teachers from around Auckland enjoy a fun afternoon at Rainbow’s End as part of an ITC Professional Development Day

On Tuesday 25th August a group of high school teachers, career advisors and STAR/Gateway coordinators became students for the day at the International Travel College of New Zealand (ITC). Every year ITC hosts several professional development (PD) days to educate secondary school professionals about the tourism industry.

“Our PD days provide that critical link between the high schools and industry,” says ITC Account Manager and PD day organiser Ceri Jenkins.

“Many of the high schools have no links with the industry and therefore have very little firsthand knowledge to pass onto the students. Once teachers have attended a PD day, they will walk away with 4 or 5 new contacts who are all keen to come in and talk to their students about what’s happening in the tourism industry.”


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