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An influx of available roles sees many ITC students find industry work

Posted on 23/06/2021 by

Huge industry demand for qualified workers has seen a large number of ITC students and graduates gain roles.

With hope, excitement, and relentless positivity, we’re looking ahead to a spring and summer that are bustling with tourism as New Zealand opens bubbles with Australia and the Cook Islands.

And it’s not just us preparing for greater numbers of travellers in the months to come.

Countless tourism and hospitality businesses around New Zealand have started hiring new staff to cater to the crowds.

Here’s what we’re seeing in terms of new roles coming available, and what we’re celebrating in terms of ITC graduates filling so many of them. (more…)

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ITC continues to support and stay in touch with graduates

Posted on 23/03/2021 by

Graduation marks the end of a student’s studies with us, but it’s definitely not the end of the relationship, as we continue to support our graduates for many years to come.

One of the many things that makes ITC stand out from other colleges and universities is our level of involvement with our students and graduates.

We don’t just wave them goodbye as they graduate and never see them again – instead, we stay in touch, offering support and any assistance they need in the industry.

Recently, our wonderful Employment Consultants Sarndra and Nicky, and Short Course Tutors Daniel and Sarah have been reaching out to each class of graduates. Here’s how it’s been going!

Checking in with graduates

Even though New Zealand has done remarkably well compared with many places, we know that it has still been a tough year for everyone. That’s why we decided to reach out and check in with our graduates.

Class by class, Sarndra, Nicky, Daniel, and Sarah have been reaching out to see how they have been doing, and see what they’re up to in their careers now. We’ve also been making sure they know they have options for further study with us if they’d like to take this time to upskill, and as always, we’ve been supporting them with career advice and helping to connect them to job opportunities whenever possible.

Every single graduate has been happy to hear from us, and we’ve loved hearing back from each of them. We’re so happy to hear that they appreciate us reaching out, and that has helped them to feel a little more supported in their careers.

How it’s been going

We’ve been hearing a lot of fantastic feedback from our efforts so far. Here are just a few examples from Employment Consultants Nicky and Sarndra.

“I spoke to one of our lovely level 4 students last week who was very excited to share their new job success with me, and she let me know that the CV and interview tips helped her with the job process. Although she is in a non-tourism job at the moment, she absolutely loves it and has said that a lot of what she learnt on her level 3 and 4 course is extremely useful and that she is super happy that she studied at ITC.” – Sarndra

“I’ve had two really good chats with Quentina, who would love you to help her with her CV, and Shannice who I’ve finally convinced to complete Diploma.” – Sarah

“The uncertainty around at the moment in Auckland with the lockdowns is a little unsettling so our students really appreciate hearing a friendly voice with some suggestions and help around the next phase. It’s nice to know they haven’t walked out of our doors and been forgotten or left to their own devices, so many are a bit lost at the moment.” – Nicky

“One student thought her dream of going overseas to work was dashed but I put her in touch with the lovely team at International Working Holidays, and although she may not end up by going away, she now knows that she can actually travel still as there are places that are relatively safe and are looking for students still.” – Sarndra

“Many of our Botany students were just trying to make it through their course towards the end of last year so were not thinking about what would happen next, so to get a call and talk through some ideas has been a relief and they have all been grateful to receive a call.” – Nicky

“Many students were still in their part time jobs they were in already, as they just needed to chill over summer with what they already knew and felt comfortable with, but they have been inspired now to start looking at other options, and again, grateful for the support.” – Sarndra

“We had one student who never thought to contact us as she had relocated to Wellington and didn’t realise we could still help her outside of Auckland, and was so grateful that we called her to see how she was. She is considering a move back and we are working together to find a great position for her.” – Nicky

Nicky, Sarndra, Daniel, and Sarah have really enjoyed reconnecting with graduates and offering their support, and are continuing to reach out to graduates all over the country for a friendly chat and advice as needed.

If you’d like to learn more about studying with ITC and kick starting a career in travel, tourism, and aviation, get in touch to chat with our team and find out what we can offer you.

Campus Study – 0800 TOURISM (0800 868747) or

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ITC receives exceptional reviews

Posted on 14/10/2020 by

ITC receives consistently exceptional reviews for our courses, tutors, and qualifications that are recognised all over the world.

The International Travel College has been helping those in search of a career in travel, tourism, airline, and airport industries for more than 20 years.

Our array of courses range from 20 weeks to two years, and offer a fast-paced, fun, and immensely practical learning environment that allows students to walk away with qualifications that are recognised all over the world.

Yet no amount of marketing can compare to the honest and wonderful reviews we regularly receive from our students.

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Six ITC graduates share their tips for success

Posted on 09/02/2016 by
From left to right: Tuita, Jessica, Lewis, Gemma, Mohammed and Evelin.

From left to right: Tuita, Jessica, Lewis, Gemma, Mohammed and Evelin. Now leading successful careers in the tourism industry, each of these graduates share their tips for success with current ITC students.

Studying can be hard. Sometimes, you might be tempted to skip class or take a break. But, as these successful ITC graduates will tell you, it’s all worth it! When you’re feeling low on motivation, read these tips and remember: there’s an amazing career waiting for you when you graduate.

Jessica Adamson

“If you feel like you have been studying for a lifetime and that graduating is so far away, keep working hard because in the end it will all be worth it. Study hard and it will pay off.”

– Jessica Adamson, Customer Service Representative, Contiki

Lewis Wilson

“If you really want to do something go get it and DREAM BIG.”

– Lewis Wilson, Slide Operator, Disney World


“Study hard and aim high. Try your best in everything you do, because your future is what counts.”

– Tuita Tokareta, Customer Service Representative, 360 Discovery Cruises


“Make the most of every opportunity you are given. Even if it’s not your dream job, but if it helps you get one step closer, grab it with both hands and run with it.”

– Evelin Toala, Flight Redemption Consultant, American Express

Mohammed Alzergawi

“The best advice I could give them is to always show up to class, make sure they do the work, to put in the hard work now and it will pay off in the end. Make sure you finish all of your assessments.”

– Mohammed Alzergawi, Sales Representative, Disney

Gemma Delia

“Study seriously, put in the hours and do the work to your best standard. The travel industry is competitive and the best jobs go to those who are willing to work for them.”

– Gemma Delia, Wholesale Travel Agent, Adventure Travel

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Thank you Disney World!

Posted on 16/12/2014 by
Cara Adams has been living and working at Disney World since graduating from ITC

Cara Adams has been living and working at Disney World since graduating from ITC. Here she is pictured in her costume for the ‘Honey I Shrunk the Kids’ playground.

ITC graduate Cara Adams has been living and working at Disney World for the past year. What a journey it has been! She shares some of her favourite memories as she prepares to fly back home to New Zealand.


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What is it like to be an international student at ITC?

Posted on 12/11/2014 by
ITC Graduate Boris Valin studied the 2 Year International Diploma and is now working in New Caledonia for a travel wholesaler.

ITC Graduate Boris Valin studied the 2 Year International Diploma and is now working in New Caledonia for a travel wholesaler.

Every year the International Travel College of New Zealand (ITC) welcomes many international students to Auckland. They come from all over the world; some from as near as Australia, others from as far flung as Russia or Kazakhstan. So what is it like to study at ITC as an international student? What are some challenges and highlights?


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Louise talks about being a flight attendant

Posted on 11/09/2012 by

We have been so lucky to catch up with Louise Swann, an ITC graduate flying as a long haul flight attendant with Air New Zealand, you may have even seen her in some of their inflight satefy videos.

Check out the video of her story, she is such an inspiring person and just shows how you CAN achieve something when you make a plan, commit to doing it and believe in yourself.

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