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Posts Tagged ‘goal setting’

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What’s wrong with New Year resolutions?

Posted on 27/01/2015 by
The best goals take time and perseverance: perfection doesn't happen overnight!

The best goals take time and perseverance: perfection doesn’t happen overnight!

Every January, everyone shares their plans for what they are going to change and how they will succeed in the next year. Often, these best intentions fail, and we beat ourselves up about an inability to do what we said we were going to do so well earlier in the year.

I am fairly cynical about New Year’s resolutions for several reasons, however I think the most important thing is not the goal. I am all for change and trying to improve and modify behaviour and habits, it is just why does it have to be January when we make the decision to form a new habit or try and curb a bad habit? (more…)

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