Posts Tagged ‘Flight attending’
Why we don’t call our courses Flight Attending courses

iTC graduate Lynelle has been employed with Emirates and is currently training in Dubai.
One of the most surprising things we tell our students is that the airlines don’t want graduates who have been taught how to be flight attendants.
In fact, it might even put them off hiring someone who says they have studied to be a flight attendant and are ready to step into the role.
Surprised? There’s a good reason why!
Posted in News, Student success | Tagged Aviation, Flight attending, ITC Award winning training |Meet the Study From Home student inspired by another ITC student!
Posted on 15/10/2024 by Hayley Clark
Savannah (third from the right) and friends on a recent trip to the North Island as part of a tour.
Study From Home student and supermarket employee Savannah Larkin hopes to one day become a flight attendant (and we have no doubt she will achieve that goal!). But her story reminds us of another wonderful student, who was also working full time and dreaming of becoming a flight attendant – and is now doing just that!
In fact, that past student has inspired Savannah to follow in her footsteps (find out who below).
It’s so exciting to not just see our students succeed, but also to inspire others to do the same. So as you read Savannah’s story, think about whether you might be the next!
Posted in News, Study From Home, Study inspiration | Tagged Flexible learning, Flight attending, Online Study, Study From Home | Leave a replyMeet one of the first students to complete the new Online Cabin Crew Course!
Posted on 02/10/2024 by Hayley Clark
Riley is one of the first students to complete the Cabin Crew Online course!
ITC recently announced a selection of new online courses, each designed to offer an introduction to studying travel and tourism, and a first step towards a career in these amazing roles!
One of these courses is the Cabin Crew Online course, which covers how the aviation industry works, what the life of a cabin crew member is like, real-world tips and training for what you need to become a flight attendant, and more.
Riley Slotemaker is one of the first students to complete this course, and his review is shining! We asked him a little more about his experience.
Posted in News, Study From Home, Study inspiration | Tagged Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Online Course, Flight attending, Online course | Leave a replyITC Schools Team delivers two Flight Attending short courses in Napier
Posted on 12/07/2023 by Hayley Clark
Our Napier Flight Attending short courses were a huge hit for students.
Napier and the entire surrounding region has had such a challenging year that ITC wanted to step in and help out the best way we know how – with top-tier education.
So many high school students have had their learning disrupted due to the flooding and ongoing clean-up, so we decided to offer two short courses on Flight Attending.
Michelle Newsome took the first short course, and Laura Orsbourn took the second. Both team members are relatively new to the Schools Team, but absolutely knocked it out of the park and did an incredible job in Napier.
Posted in In Schools, News | Tagged Flight attending, ITC in Schools, Schools Team, Short courses | Leave a replyMeet Menghour Pen: One of our successful candidates from the Air New Zealand open day!
Posted on 12/04/2023 by Hayley Clark
Menghour was hired by Air New Zealand after our Open Day late last year.
Late last year, ITC hosted an Air New Zealand open day on campus. This event was a fantastic opportunity where the Air New Zealand team gave a presentation to students and graduates, and did live interviews on the spot for candidates.
Following these interviews was a multi-step process, involving reference checks, swim tests, and training.
And now, we’re excited to see the first ITC graduate from that day, Menghour Pen, has finished his training and is becoming a flight attendant with Air New Zealand! However, there’s much more to Menghour’s story than just making it through the selection process.
Posted in Airline, News, Student success | Tagged Air New Zealand, Flight attending, Graduate interview, Open Day |It’s never too late to get that dream job. We meet Carol who at 64-years-old decided it was time for a career change – and is becoming a flight attendant!
Posted on 28/03/2023 by Hayley Clark
It’s never too late for a career change! Just ask Carol Weaver.
Whether you’re fresh out of high school, have been out of the workforce for a while, or are looking to make a career change, it’s never a bad time to study at ITC or with Study From Home.
Just ask Carol Weaver, the 64-year-old who had thought about becoming a flight attendant often throughout her life. She has been working as a science teacher and career advisor for Orewa College, which is how she came into contact with ITC in the first place.
Here’s Carol’s incredible story in her own words.
Posted in News, Student success, Study inspiration | Tagged Career change, Flight attendant, Flight attending, Study travel and tourism | Leave a replyITC hosts an Air New Zealand open day
Posted on 13/12/2022 by Hayley Clark
Our Air New Zealand Open Day was a huge success.
On Thursday last week, ITC hosted an Air New Zealand open day to connect our national carrier with our current students and graduates.
We wanted to create an opportunity for our students and graduates to learn about the flight attending roles currently available at Air New Zealand, and enjoy the chance to speak to recruiters from the company.
As expected, the day was a huge hit!
Posted in Airline, News | Tagged Air New Zealand, Flight attending, Open Day | Leave a replyMeet the graduate who landed their dream job at Air New Zealand after studying with us!
Posted on 06/12/2022 by Hayley Clark
Graduate Fakavae landed his dream job as a flight attendant at Air New Zealand!
Student Fakavae Taniela graduated from ITC in 2012, and has spent the last decade gaining work experience and travelling.
He has seen fantastic success in an array of jobs, and has thoroughly enjoyed travelling – and being able to put his skills and experience to work by gaining employment in the travel and tourism industry while overseas as well.
Recently, he applied for his dream job – and was accepted! Here’s a little more about his story in his own words.
Posted in News, Student success | Tagged Air New Zealand, Flight attending, Graduate interview, Study aviation | Leave a replyWant to be a flight attendant?
Posted on 24/08/2022 by Hayley Clark
Thinking of becoming a flight attendant? ITC courses could help make your dream come true!
Being a flight attendant means travelling all the time, meeting new people, exploring new places, and being part of people’s incredible journeys and holidays. It’s no wonder so many people dream of becoming flight attendants here in New Zealand and around the world!
Many students who study with ITC and Study From Home go on to become cabin crew, so here’s a little more about how we prepare our students for these roles.
Posted in In Schools, News, Study inspiration | Tagged Flight attending, ITC in Schools, Study travel and tourism |5 quick questions with ITC tutor Amy McPhail
Posted on 06/10/2015 by Jess O'Connor
ITC tutor Amy McPhail used to be a flight attendant for Virgin Australia – it’s no surprise that flight attending is her favourite subject to teach!
Amy McPhail is a tutor at The International Travel College of New Zealand’s City Campus. She brings a wealth of knowledge to the classroom. We asked her five quick questions about her passion for aviation, travel and tourism.
1. What sparked your interest in travel and tourism?
When I left high school I had no idea what I wanted to do for a job, let alone a career. One day I was at home flicking through a newspaper and I came across an advertisement for a travel course. As soon as I saw the picture of the Flight Attendant, I knew that was what I wanted to do. A week later I was enrolled and starting my journey towards a fabulous career in travel and tourism. Completing my Certificate in Travel and Tourism gave me a great foundation to launch my career and introduced me to the wide variety of work available in this exciting industry. I have since worked in a variety of roles in the tourism industry, including working for Hilton Hotels, as a flight attendant for Virgin Australia, for a travel wholesaler and as a travel agent.
Posted in Staff News | Tagged Aviation, Flight attending, ITC Staff, Travel and Tourism |