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So you want to be a flight attendant?

Posted on 23/03/2015 by
Come to ITC's Flight Attendant Recruitment Workshop on Saturday 28 March to learn more about this exciting career choice

ITC Tutor Mel Fey with some flight attending students. Come to ITC’s Flight Attendant Recruitment Workshop on Saturday 28 March to learn more about this exciting career choice

Working at 30,000 feet, meeting people from different cultures, travelling the world… in many ways, a career as a flight attendant really is living the dream!

However, like all dreams, becoming a successful flight attendant takes hard work, commitment and dedication.

Many people turn up to interviews underprepared and can be rejected before their dream has even started. We don’t want that to happen to you!

We know how hard it can be to get a foot in the door of this competitive industry, so we asked Cynthia, a long-haul flight attendant with Air New Zealand, for some insider tips.

Do your research

According to Cynthia, you will put yourself in a much better position if you thoroughly research the airline you are applying with.

“Know how long they have been in business, who is their CEO, what destinations they fly to, what type of aircraft they fly and what sort of applicant they are looking for,” says Cynthia.

The best place to start is the airline’s website. Most international airlines will have a dedicated recruitment section, where they will answer many frequently asked questions.

Here are a few useful sites to get you started:

Becoming a Flight Attendant with Air New Zealand
Jetstar Careers
Qantas Careers

It is also a good idea to try to connect with a flight attendant. Perhaps you know of a family friend or acquaintance currently working in the industry? Take them for a coffee and pick their brains.

Be immaculately groomed

Cynthia also advises budding flight attendants to pay careful attention to their appearance. Many airlines have strict rules about grooming and require their staff to be immaculately presented at all times.

It’s important you turn up to the interview looking sharp!

For girls, this means clean trimmed nails, hair pulled back in a bun and clean, light make-up, no visible tattoos, light spray of fragrance, clean, unscuffed shoes, clothes that fit well (i.e. not too tight) and a winning smile.

For boys, Cynthia also advises clean trimmed nails, clean tidy hair, no visible tattoos and clean un-scuffed shoes, in addition to being clean shaven with a light spray of aftershave and of course, a winning smile.

Practice and prepare

All in all, the best way you can improve your chances of having a successful interview is to practice and prepare.

The International Travel College (ITC) can help you in your preparations. We are hosting a Flight Attendant Recruitment Workshop on Saturday 11 July for budding flight attendants.

This fast-paced and practical one-day workshop will teach you all you need to know about applying for a job in this competitive industry.

Written by former Air New Zealand employee Mel Fey, the Recruitment Workshop is designed to test your skills and experience.

“There’s a few surprises in there. We actually put the students through the recruitment steps, so they learn by being in that interview situation, which gives them more confidence because they are more informed about what to expect,” says Mel.

“Practice makes perfect!”

To make the most of this amazing opportunity and reserve your seat, email or book your ticket here.

We look forward to helping you achieve your dreams!

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5 Responses to “So you want to be a flight attendant?”

  1. Jordan Pasina says:

    Hi there,

    I am the Lead Lifeguard at the Moana Nui a Kiwa Pools and Leisure Centre in Mangere.

    My understanding as part of the training to be a flight attendant (and correct me if I’m wrong please?) is that they are required to do a swimming aspect of the training in order to pass/to gain the qualifications to get in to the course?

    Myself and my staff at the Centre conduct the tests for the flight attendants.

    The reason for my email is that we are currently getting a lot of those who are going for their swim test and they are bringing in Qantas forms.

    At Moana Nui a Kiwa, we are certified by Air New Zealand to conduct their prospects for their flight attendant certs.

    We are more than welcome to conduct the Qantas attendants, I am just looking for their contact person to officiate the process.

    If you can help me find the Qantas group training facilitator or contact details it would be much appreciated.

    Kind Regards

    Jordan Pasina
    Lead Lifeguard | Moana Nui a Kiwa Pools and Leisure Centre
    ph:09 275 8979

    • Jess O'Connor says:

      Hi Jordan,

      Thanks for getting in touch, great to hear from you. We do not include swim training at ITC. However, I will see if we can put you in touch with someone from Qantas to help you with your inquiry. I will let you know if I manage to find the right contact for you.

      All the best,
      Jess (Marketing Executive at ITC)

      • Jordan Pasina says:

        Hi Jess,

        Thanks for replying to my email.

        Yes please, re. contact with Qantas. That would be awesome.

        Thanks heaps. Hope to here from you soon.


        • Jess O'Connor says:

          Hi again Jordan,

          Unfortunately we do not have a contact at Qantas. Have you tried contacting them via their website? Sorry we couldn’t be of more help this time. Keep up the great work!


          • Jordan Pasina says:

            Hi Jess,

            I haven’t tried contacting them yet thru Qantas yet but I will give it a shot. Thanks again for your help. much appreciated. =o)


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