New influx of jobs available in tourism and travel industry in New Zealand

Despite lockdowns, we’re still seeing plenty of new roles coming available in travel and tourism.
Lockdown has been tough on everyone, especially those in Auckland who remain in level 4. Yet this time around, the feel has been quite different, especially for businesses and employers in the travel and tourism industry.
Instead of hitting pause and wondering what happens next, many employers have been taking the pause to prepare for what happens next – lower levels, a mini post-lockdown boom, summer holidays, and hopefully, borders that start opening safely in the new year.
That’s why we’re seeing hiring continue and new jobs being advertised, even though travelling is limited right now.
ITC’s employment consultants get to work
ITC’s wonderful employment consultants, Nicky and Sarndra, have been busy throughout level 4 contacting students and graduates to offer their support.
They began with students and graduates who were in the process of applying for roles before the lockdown hit, and were happy to hear that for the most part, applications and interviews have simply been paused until the lockdown is over. During the first lockdowns in 2020, applications and interviews were cancelled entirely, signalling a much more positive outlook this time around. It also shows that employers know they will still need skilled staff when things open up again.
Additionally, Sarndra and Nicky have been reaching out to alumni to offer support. They have suggested taking this time to update their CVs, and brush up on their interview techniques and cover letter skills, so they too can be ready to apply for fantastic new roles.
Finally, the consultant team have also been in touch with current ITC students, encouraging the students to send through their CVs for checking and advice. They have also been helping with cover letters and interview techniques, ensuring the students are ready to start applying for roles.
Prior to this lockdown, the ITC team noticed how many travel and tourism roles would take just three days from the time they were posted to the time they were filled. That’s why we’re working to ensure every student, graduate, and alumni is prepared to meet the demands of an increasingly fast recruitment process.
An ITC success story
Despite the recent restrictions, ITC has been hearing about some wonderful student success stories. Consultant Sarndra got in touch with her news about graduate Acacia Smith.
“It was my day off, but I was so excited to get a call from Acacia to tell me she had made it through the first stage of her AVSEC interview process, and that stage two would go ahead as soon as Auckland was back in level 2. I was so happy to hear this as I had had a graduate in a similar situation last year when lockdown hit and everything was cancelled for her. So to hear that the next part of the process is just being postponed was the best news,” Sarndra explained.
Of course, we also asked Acacia about her story, and here’s what she had to say:
“Before the completion of my level 5 Diploma at ITC, I knew exactly what career path I wanted to pursue, a career with either Aviation security or Customs. With the sudden level 4 lockdown restrictions, my recruiting process with Aviation security has been postponed but this has not stopped me from remaining optimistic in these uncertain times. With casual positions available in supermarkets through lockdown, I was happy to apply to do anything to keep myself busy while waiting for level 2 to come around. I think it is important to remember that once these lockdowns reduce and the industry booms once again, your dream job will be waiting. Also remaining positive and continuing your studies while these times are uncertain, will ensure you have the right attitude to succeed in your chosen career path.”
Acacia also shared with Sarndra that some people had tried to put her off studying Travel and Tourism, but she was so pleased that she had followed her own intuition as she loved studying at ITC and is on her way to realising her dream job.
What the industry has to say
In August, the Tourism Industry Association released a new report highlighting current statistics, and the feelings and expectations of those in the industry.
When it came to staffing, 30% were not confident that they could meet their staffing needs over the coming six months. The situation is such that half of survey respondents said they already have, or were planning to, increase their pay rates in order to help retain and attract more workers.
While the industry undoubtedly has a tough time through lockdowns, there’s also a sense of positivity for what the future holds for travel and tourism businesses, which is great news for anyone currently studying or looking to study to get into this sector.
As the ITC employment consultants have found, countless Christmas casual roles are starting to come through, major operators such as AJ Hackett Bridge Climb and Sky Jump are looking to hire for numerous roles, and other students are still in the process of applying, even doing interviews online.
We know how hard lockdowns are on our students and the industry, but we also see the light at the end of the tunnel and the positivity for the future. If you’re looking to make a start in the industry now so you can be part of it, get in touch with the team at ITC to find out more about our courses and where they can take you.
Campus Study – 0800 TOURISM (0800 868747) or
Posted in News, Student success, Travel and Tourism News | Tagged Employment, Lockdown, Study travel and tourism, Travel and Tourism, travel jobs | Leave a reply