New Botany Campus Tutors
It is with great pleasure that we introduce the team of new tutors joining us at Botany Campus.
One of the key reasons ITC students go on to do us proud in their chosen area of work is because of our wonderful tutors. They bring real-world industry experience, knowledge and contacts, but more than that they take a personal interest in each and every student. If a student is prepared to work hard and show their passion and commitment for travel and tourism, our tutors will do all they can to help them realise their dreams.
Sio Kihe La’a Talakai-Alatini comes well prepared to step into the role of Level 5 tutor. As well as her industry experience at Menzies, she brings a wealth of knowledge from a Bachelor, Postgraduate Diploma and Masters in Tourism Management. She also has a Level 6 teaching qualification. We are thrilled to have someone of her calibre working with our students.
Dean Van’t Veen-Gibbon is an ex-flight attendant who has also worked at Butlins holiday camps and Great North Eastern Railway in the UK. Dean brings a special insight into the tourism world, as he held the role of Kenny the Koala at Dream World! Dean also has previous tutor experience and we are excited about the fun and flavour he will bring to the team and his Level 3 and 4 students.
Stacey Euston has been a team leader for Flight Centre for the past 10 years and will be the “go to” tutor for all things related to being a travel agent. She also brings extensive knowledge of Amadeus and Vto software programmes, which will be invaluable to our students.
Welcome Sio, Dean and Stacey – we are thrilled to have you on board!
Posted in In the Community, Staff News | Tagged Airline jobs, Aviation Training, Botany, International Awards, ITC, ITC Award winning training, ITC Team, ITCNZ, New Zealand Tourism Training, Passion for travel, Staff, Tourism training, Travel Training | Leave a reply