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Meet the graduate who landed their dream job at Air New Zealand after studying with us!

Posted on 06/12/2022 by

Graduate Fakavae landed his dream job as a flight attendant at Air New Zealand!

Student Fakavae Taniela graduated from ITC in 2012, and has spent the last decade gaining work experience and travelling.

He has seen fantastic success in an array of jobs, and has thoroughly enjoyed travelling – and being able to put his skills and experience to work by gaining employment in the travel and tourism industry while overseas as well.

Recently, he applied for his dream job – and was accepted! Here’s a little more about his story in his own words.

Fakavae’s story

“An advertisement to study at ITC came to my attention after finishing fresh from high school. With exceptional NCEA academy records I was accepted to study towards Aviation and ground handling with a minor in Amadeus (Airline Computer Reservation System) at the Auckland City Campus. 

Within my study period at ITC, the most significant highlight of my journey was learning so many things that I’m actually interested in! Not to mention how amazing all the tutors and the students were! It really felt like I was at my second home. 

Academically, ITC has taught me all the core skills and knowledge that is highly recommended for this job. 

After graduating from ITC in 2012, I worked for a few office customer service related jobs to gain more experience and also explored the Pacific Islands multiple times! And whilst in the Islands, I was fortunate to work at a few of the local restaurants in customer service. The overseas experience in general was phenomenal. 

Finally, when Covid was no longer an issue here in New Zealand and to the rest of the world, including the airlines, I applied for Air New Zealand and to my surprise I made the cut! 

All credit to the International Travel College of New Zealand for giving me the right tools to be part of the Air New Zealand whanau today. 

I highly recommend ITC to everyone and especially to our Pasifika students. The knowledge you will learn from this award winning school will definitely put you on top of the list for international airlines, travel and tourism related jobs. Both theoretical and practical training will give you the right confidence and a professional approach for your dream job. 

My personal advice for those whose dream job is to become a flight attendant is just be yourself and let your inner beauty do the work.

Tuvalu mo te Atua!”

How Employment Consultant Sarndra helped Fakavae into his role

“I was extremely excited to hear from Fakavae. Even though Fakavae is a 2012 Aviation graduate I remember him really really well. Fakavae had the determination to achieve.

Fakavae completed the March 2012 Aviation course and was well liked while here at ITC. The last few years have been spent getting valuable customer Service experience  before applying for the dream Air NZ Flight attendant job. Before the interview Fakavae got out all the ITC books to brush up on his knowledge and go over interview techniques and questions and credits those ITC books with passing the interview.

I just loved talking to Fakavae on the phone. I was so happy and so proud that I had goosebumps, and Fakavae doesn’t know this but I had a few tears of happiness in my eyes because I was just so, so proud! I also loved that Fakavae sounded so happy and so confident.”

Our Employment Consultant Sarndra Stephens is dedicated to helping students and graduates find roles in the industry – even if they graduated a decade ago! Sarndra is happy to offer her support and resources.

Sign up to study an Aviation Certificate starting next month!

Do you dream of being a flight attendant, or of working in the aviation industry? The New Zealand Certificate in Tourism with a strand in Aviation Level 3 is starting on January 9 2023 at the Botany Campus, so you can sign up today and get started in an exciting career for your New Year’s resolution!

Or if you simply can’t wait to get started or don’t live near Botany, you can sign up for our online learning option with Study From Home and begin your qualification today.

Get in touch with our friendly team to talk about your options and following in Fakavae’s footsteps!

Campus Study – 0800 TOURISM (0800 868747) or

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