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Meet Kyle Horsefield: From an unhappy job to graduating from ITC and a bright future ahead

Posted on 10/03/2021 by

Kyle Horsefield went from being unhappy at his work to looking forward to a bright future with help from ITC.

Kyle Horsefield was one of our students at the Botany Campus last year. Like many students, covid-19 arrived and threatened to interfere with his studies and qualifications.

However, thanks to Kyle’s strong work ethic and our wonderful tutors and flexible learning opportunities, Kyle finished the year and is now looking forward to a bright future, even including further tertiary study.

We caught up with Kyle recently to hear more about how he began his time at ITC, how he found his time with us, and what his plans are next.

What did ITC do for you personally or professionally?

In the beginning of 2020 I was employed in a full-time job at a gas station where I was not enjoying myself, and I ended up going to ITC Botany to get some information regarding the tourism course. I ended up enrolling on the spot with the wonderful Sarah who sealed the deal and my signature in enrolling in ITC Botany and I had no regrets. The staff at the Botany campus were amazing, inspirational and very patient and supportive towards everyone. 

How did covid-19 impact your career? Have you any positivity around this that may encourage others to not fear?

As covid-19 came back late in September 2020, the staff at ITC were dedicated to supporting every single student though the lockdown. Coming out of that lockdown, the staff at ITC rose their bar to the next level in inspiring students and trying to get them that qualification.

What have you been up to since finishing ITC? 

With me completing my National certificates in travel and tourism levels 3 and 4, I have now been accepted into the Waikato University where I hope to bring my studies to the next level. 

What are your or were your ultimate career goals?

My ultimate career goals is to work within the tourism industry and inspire the next generation.

What do you think is next for New Zealand’s tourism industry?

I personally believe that the tourism industry within New Zealand will only grow until New Zealand is the top destination worldwide.

What advice do you have to give those out there considering studying with ITC?

Take the opportunity, the staff are inspirational and very supportive and will help and guide you through the assignments. And then once covid-19 is over, the staff at ITC will help you gain valuable work experience and potentially gain you employment within the tourism industry. Aim high and never back down on your dreams even when no one stands with you because I will stand there with you and so will the ITC family and staff.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Andy, Sarah, Suz, Susan, Louise, Taka, Nicky and the team at Botany campus for inspiring myself and others.

Kyle’s story is an inspirational one, and we can’t wait to see where his studies and career take him next. If you’ve been inspired by Kyle, get in touch with us to find out more about our courses and enrolling this year.

Campus Study – 0800 TOURISM (0800 868747) or

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