ITC: Training the future tourism workforce

Now is a good time for people to train for tourism, so they are ready and qualified for when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered unprecedented changes to tourism, both here in New Zealand and abroad.
There’s a lot about this crisis that’s difficult to predict – such as when a vaccine will be available, or when international borders will reopen.
During these uncertain times, ITC is looking to the future, for things we can do today to help strengthen the tourism industry for the years to come.
One of the things we can and are continuing to do is train the future tourism workforce.
Now is a good time for those interested in working in tourism to study and gain a qualification, so they are ready for employment opportunities in the future.
Our goal is to continue to support students to become qualified tourism professionals, encouraging people to use this ‘pause’ to make sure their skills are up-to-date and their CVs are strong.
We’re accepting new enrolments for our courses, both via ITC and Study From Home, and we’re also encouraging previous students to complete their qualifications if they did not get a chance to finish.
If you started studying with ITC in 2018 or 2019, but did not finish your qualification, you’re invited to complete your studies with us for free.
With so many study options available, ITC is committed to training the future tourism workforce for brighter days to come.
Our tutors, support staff, and employment consultants are working hard to identify opportunities for both current and past students, with long-term success in mind.
Get in touch today to learn how we can support your airline, travel, and tourism dreams.
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