ITC raises $176 for RSA with ANZAC Day bake sale

ITC Tutorial Team Leader Rob (left) and Senior Tutor Jacques get into the ANZAC Day spirit.
The International Travel College has a longstanding tradition of holding charitable events to raise money for great causes, and this year’s ANZAC Day was no exception.
Students at the City Campus rallied together to bake an array of delightful treats for a bake sale, with all profits donated to the Returned Services Association (RSA).
The delicious baking was simply too good to resist – everyone shopped up a storm and a total of $176.00 was raised at ITC’s City Campus. An amazing effort!
“The RSA does a wonderful job supporting those who return from military service for NZ,” says ITC International Marketing Manager Lesley Brough.
“I’m so proud of our students for their generous contribution to the RSA in 2016.”
ITC also placed a poppy box at reception in the week leading up to ANZAC Day – the total amount of money raised here is yet to be announced, but this will also be donated directly to the RSA.
Here are some photos from the event. WARNING: These may make you very hungry (don’t say we didn’t warn you!)