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ITC Offers Exciting Futures for Year 12 and 13 Students

Posted on 15/04/2014 by

ITC Account Manager Ceri Jenkins made a recent presentation to Kelston Girls’ Careers Academy. The event also included presentations from other tertiary partners of the academy and highlighted potential pathways for the students’ future training and employment.

2013 was the first year of ITC’s involvement with Kelston Girls’ Careers Academy. This exciting project enables students at years 12 and 13 to gain standalone travel and tourism qualifications at level 2 and 3. These can also be used towards their level 2 and 3 NCEA qualifications. These students then have clear pathways into tertiary courses at ITC if they choose to take them.

Of the 17 students who started the year 13 course in 2013, five have already started on campus courses with us in 2014. One of these students, Lape Talopau, was a recipient of one of our $5,000 scholarships and began her studies in January at our City Campus.

Kelston Girls’ College has made a huge effort to involve families to ensure their daughters are able to make the most of this amazing opportunity. These students are extremely fortunate to have the support of their school, which covers all of their course costs.

In 2014 we will have one of ITC’s tutors teaching at the school on a regular basis to deliver certain components of the course. The students will also make a number of trips throughout the year to our City Campus to attend some short courses and gain first-hand experience in the industry through a number of site visits and guest speakers.

Ceri says he hopes the parents and students who attended the presentation gained a sense of excitement for what lay ahead for 2014 and the huge potential pathways for training and employment after the Academy.

“We are confident that these students will prove to be excellent students at ITC,” says Ceri, “and, once the have graduated, that they will be a credit to their future employers.”

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