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ITC delivers fantastic one-day International Exchange Program for Hong Kong students

Posted on 26/07/2023 by

Students from Methodist College in Hong Kong recently joined us for a one-day International Exchange Program.

Earlier this month, ITC welcomed a group of students from Methodist College in Hong Kong for a one-day International Exchange Program.

Students were able to experience tertiary life for a day at our Auckland Campus.  This program was developed specifically for international exchange students, and was designed to give them a good insight into what it might be like to study travel and tourism – and ultimately begin a rewarding lifelong career in the industry.

Here’s a little more about how the day panned out, and the feedback we received!

One-day International Exchange Program

The day began with a friendly welcome, introductions and a tour of the ITC campus.

Next, the Hong Kong students met some of our Auckland students, and did an airport & flight attending workshop at our Airport Training Centre. Then, they learned about Maori tourism and did another practical workshop. This included classic hand-eye coordination tasks with Rakau Sticks and Poi, which was a lot of fun for everyone involved.

A highlight of the day was then the traditional Island & Maori inspired lunch, where students were able to taste some delicious Aotearoa food.

In the afternoon, students had more time to interact with ITC students and chat about what it was like living and studying in Auckland, and earning a qualification in travel and tourism.

The rest of the day was spent on a Belt & Road initiative seminar, and a discover New Zealand tourism section with practical activities.

Feedback from the day

ITC’s Mel Jenkins was integral on the day, and had these great comments to share about how it all went:

“We helped the students experience what Tertiary education in NZ was like, they learnt about the variety of roles our graduates enter into. They had a hands on experience from beginning to end with an Airline and Cabin Crew workshop. Everything from being a Travel Agent, Check-In Operator, Aviation Security guard, gate boarding staff and Cabin Crew member.”

The less formal parts of the day were just as fun and instructive as the workshops, with the shared traditional lunch a favourite for all.

“ITC full time students and I made food and brought this into share with everyone. We all ate together, shared stories and then our full-time students played a traditional school game, ‘pick up sticks’. Everyone had so much fun including our students that they all exchanged social media contacts to keep in touch in future. What a rewarding day for everyone,” Mel said.

Mel was also humbled by the immediate wonderful feedback from the students.

“Their enthusiasm was outstanding and I look forward to hosting more wonderful groups like our group from Methodist College in Hong Kong. We have many students who choose us for their tertiary study when they come to NZ. We have an outstanding support in place so that they immediately feel at home,” she added.

We also spoke to Kin Cheung from the Hong Kong Methodist College, who also only had positive things to say about the day.

“Your students were unbelievable, it was a joy to see the two groups get along so well together. The food was amazing too. This was a very rewarding experience and we will be in touch when we have confirmed the schedule of the next group.”

ITC: An excellent choice for international students

As international students look to New Zealand as a study option, ITC is ready with open arms to support and educate them.

We are a signatory to the Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners, so you can enjoy peace of mind that you will be well looked after if you move to New Zealand.

If you’re looking to study tourism or aviation in New Zealand, reach out directly to our International Course Advisor by email or for more information, visit

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