International Travel College

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ITC becomes corporate member of NZAL

Friday 20 March 2015

Prime Minister John Key delivers a presentation on export education and the Asian market at an NZAL event

Prime Minister John Key delivers a presentation on export education and the Asian market at an NZAL event

The International Travel College of New Zealand (ITC) is proud to become a corporate member of NZ Asian Leaders (NZAL).

NZAL is a professional organisation dedicated to connecting Asian leaders with New Zealand businesses. NZAL aims to improve business relations between the two cultures and also assist emerging Asian leaders to break through the ‘bamboo ceiling’.

For ITC, becoming a corporate member of NZAL is an opportunity to develop and improve relations with the Asian community in New Zealand.

“We are really thrilled to be associated with NZAL,” says ITC’s Managing Director Kerry Priestley.

“This demonstrates to our board, our industry employers, our team and our students our ongoing commitment to further grow the business through successful connections with the Asian market.”

Being a member of NZAL allows ITC to link with leaders across many countries, make long-lasting friendships and meet with like-minded businesses.

Prime Minister John Key recently attended an NZAL event where he delivered a presentation about New Zealand’s growth within the export education market and how Asian countries and businesses fit into this picture.

Other key benefits of joining NZAL include:

ITC joins several other corporate members including Auckland Council, Grant Thornton, James & Wells, the University of Waikato and the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.

This connection with the New Zealand Asian community is expected to have a positive impact on ITC staff, students and the community as a whole.

“An NZAL corporate membership offers opportunities to our students as well as opportunities to grow our networks and connections in tourism within the Asian community,” says ITC’s Marketing Director Claire Huxley.

“The growth of inbound tourism from Asian countries is significant. We want our students to be better skilled to meet this demand and joining NZAL is an important step in the right direction.”