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Getting career confidence back with ITC

Posted on 20/02/2014 by

ITC Students who are studying via Distance Learning at one of their workshops

ITC Students who are studying via Distance Learning at one of their workshops

Every year many students complete one of ITC’s distance online learning (DOL) courses for the travel, tourism and aviation industries. Gaining the confidence to get out and apply for jobs can be tough, so we make career preparation an important focus of the course.

More than half of our DOL students study from home because they are looking after young children. After a few years staying at home, many lose confidence in their employment prospects.

DOL graduate Lynda says, “I felt like I had had so much time off that I had become a recluse and didn’t know how to be in the public eye anymore or approach customers with confidence. I even thought I would forget everything I had learnt in previous employment.”

Another graduate Margaret adds: “I didn’t apply for a job for months after completing my course, as I thought they would decline my application as I had not been in the work force for so long.”

Many parents want to take care of their child at home. But DOL graduate Hazel found that getting out there had a positive impact on both her and her child. “Getting a job meant I could earn much more money to support myself and my child, while also gaining a social life outside of our house. I think many single mothers don’t want to send their child to childcare so soon. It seems hard at first but you and your child will adapt,” she says.

Lynda says that the ITC course helped her a great deal. “Training with ITC contributed a lot to gaining my confidence back. Having the phone assessments and orientation, and even graduation, and being amongst other people was a boost. With anticipation I wanted to get back into the work force and show off some recapped skills,” she says.

Lynda is also an advocate of gaining work experience while you study and says that having a part-time, casual job gave her a big confidence boost.

Margaret found that getting out there and applying for jobs was a useful learning experience in itself. “I wasn’t successful in my first application. I didn’t let that get me down: I used it as a learning curve. I took out my ITC notes on career preparation to make sure I was ready. For my next application, I knew exactly what I was going to say to any question asked, and was able to reply back in full confidence.”

Margaret now works for the call centre at Qantas Airways, Lynda is working for Flight Centre in Perth (WA) and Hazel works at Auckland Airport for Menzies Aviation.

As Margaret says: “Don’t let fear get in the way of your dreams. If you prepare for your interview, all will fall into place and your dreams will come true!”

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