Five ways to make studying easier
Studying can be hard work – but with the right attitude, it can also be a lot of fun.
Here are five tips for making studying easier so you can achieve your tourism qualification with less stress and more enjoyment.
1. Involve your family and friends
Family and friends make great cheerleaders when you’re studying. Involve them in your study journey so they can help you stay focused and encourage you to keep going if times get tough. A good way to do this is to share your study schedule. Tell a few people when you need to be in class and when major assignments are due so they can hold you accountable if needed.
2. Reward yourself regularly
Does graduation feel a long way off? Don’t wait until you hand in your final assignment to celebrate. Instead, set some mini milestones and reward yourself as you achieve each small goal. For example, do something fun with friends each time you pass a test or complete a project. Other reward ideas include going to the movies, going out to dinner or organising a fun night out with your friends or partner.
3. Dress to impress
If you dress well, you’re more likely to feel confident and positive – and therefore be a lot happier in the classroom. Taking pride in your appearance can do wonders for your mood and help you feel professional. ITC makes it easy for you to dress to impress thanks to our corporate black and white dress code.
4. Come to class
When you’re struggling to study, you might be tempted to skip class for a day or two. However, this will actually make studying harder, as you’ll miss out on important information and fall behind. The easiest way to make studying easy is to turn up to class! When you’re in class every day, you get ample help from your tutors and classmates and you’ll find it easier to keep up with your projects and assignments.
5. Go on work experience
Keep an eye out for work experience opportunities so you can put your education to practice in the industry. Work experience is a great way to remind yourself why you decided to study travel and tourism in the first place – as well as a way to meet new people, add to your CV, and gain confidence in the workforce. It’s a win-win; ask your tutors or ITC’s employment consultants if there are any work experience opportunities available.
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