Posts by itcnz
ITC supports unique, life-changing project
For several years, ITC has been sponsoring Manurewa High School’s Humanitarian Aid Leadership Programme (HALP) to Cambodia.
This year around 20 students embarked on a journey that saw them that return as “empowered, passionate, worldly young adults who have a greater desire to achieve and then give back to their community,” says Deputy Principal Phil Muir.
The students spent 12 days engaged in a range of projects and activities “that opened their eyes to the history and culture of a country that has been shattered by civil war, famine, genocide and poverty,” says Mr Muir.
The group worked with a number of aid projects including the World Vision Area Development Programme at Chi Kreng, and a NZAid funded agricultural programme that helps communities turn from subsistence farmers into productive croppers on land that was until recently covered with landmines.
Students also gave blood and donated to the Kantha Bopha children’s hospital in Siem Reap and the children’s hospital in Phnom Penh.
At Kantha Bopha, students heard from Nobel Peace laureate Dr Beat Richner. Student Kate Montgomery says, “Hearing about Dr. Beat Richner’s project of building and maintaining the Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospitals was inspiring. It’s amazing how much one person’s vision can impact millions of people’s lives. This helped me to realise that I have the power to help people too.”
“The HALP programme also has a long term relationship with the Centre for Children’s Happiness – an orphanage which rescues children from the dumps of Phnom Penh,” says Mr Muir “and the students spent a full day playing, muralling, teaching and interacting, as well as giving a large range of donated gifts.”
The group also spent a day with 20 students sponsored by the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study as postgraduate students in New Zealand in areas such as development studies and tourism development. “The idea is that they will return to Cambodia and help to build a more successful country,” says Mr Muir. “We made some excellent links with this group, and look forward to developing these contacts – particularly when the students come to New Zealand next year.”
The students also visited the Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields. This visit had a real impact on the students, including Kate Montgomery, who says, “Throughout the entire time we visited the prison I felt numb and weak. None of what I saw looked real to me. It was so far removed from what I consider to be reality that I just couldn’t make sense of it.”
Kate says that the trip was genuinely life changing for her: “I saw, did, and experienced things that I hadn’t before. It really showed me the importance of so many things that we take for granted in this world. Things such as transport, roads, clean water, bathrooms, money, blood, education, and above all, people.”
“It truly did change my life and me as a person. I am not who I was before, and I am still not who I will be. But I can say that I am different. And I plan to use my experience to impact on others’ lives, and to make a difference in this world.”
Mr Muir says that the trip would have been beyond the reach of many of the students without ITC’s help: “The 2013 HALP team truly wishes to thank International Travel College for their generous contribution and support – your belief in our unique, life-changing project is very highly valued. We travelled as fabulous ambassadors for our community and country and your support helped to make this project a reality.”
Posted in In the Community | Tagged Airline training, Aviation Training, Charity, Community, ITC, ITC Award winning training, ITC working with schools, Manurewa High School, New Zealand Tourism Training, Sponsorship, Travel Training, Volunteer scheme | Leave a reply“The happiest place…”
Posted on 16/09/2014 by itcnz
Cara (left) working at Disneyworld in Florida after completing her course at ITC, with Natasha (right) ITC Campus Manager Botany
Natasha Allen, ITC Campus Manager Botany, recently returned from a trip to the happiest place in the world, where she caught up with ITC graduate Cara Adams.
Natasha says the excitement of the trip started before they had even left New Zealand at the Koru Lounge at Auckland’s International Airport where she, her husband and their two very excited children sampled the complimentary food (and Natasha and her husband the wine) before boarding their flight. (more…)
Posted in Staff News, Student success | Tagged Airline training, Aviation Training, Disney, ITCNZ, New Zealand Tourism Training, Student opprtunities, Student success, Students working at Disney, Travel, Travel Training | Leave a replyITC’s Top 10 tips on how NOT get an interview
Posted on 09/09/2014 by itcnz
ITC are happy to help all their students ensure their CV is the best!
ITC’s Marketing Director Claire shares her top tips for improving your interview game. (more…)
Posted in Student success | Tagged Airline training, CV's, ITC Award winning training, ITC Staff, ITCNZ, Passion for travel, Student success, Students in work, Tourism training, Travel Training | Leave a replyITC Finalist in Two Westpac Business Awards
Posted on 26/08/2014 by itcnz
ITC has finalist and winners in 16 awards in the past 18 years!
The International Travel College of New Zealand (ITC) has been selected as a finalist in this year’s Westpac Auckland Business Awards 2014 – South. The college is a finalist in two categories: Excellence in Customer Service Delivery and Excellence in Strategy and Planning. (more…)
Posted in News | Tagged International Awards, ITC, ITC Award winning training, ITCNZ, New Zealand Tourism Training, Passion for travel, Tourism training, Travel Training, Westpac Awards | Leave a replyAnother ITC Event a Winner
Posted on 07/08/2014 by itcnz
ITC Students, who wrote the blog and had fun at the ITC Bowling event
A Russian, an Englishman, a Singaporean and a Filipino walk into a bowling hall… it’s another ITC bowling day out!
Dan Sayer, the Englishman of the team mentioned above, says that the idea of these events “is to get the whole of International Travel College out as one, and it works.” (more…)
Posted in News | Tagged Airline training, Blogs, Bowling, Fun, ITC, ITC Award winning training, New Zealand Tourism Training, Passion for travel, Tourism training | Leave a replyIntroducing Kyleigh Mooney
Posted on 30/07/2014 by itcnz
Kyleigh Mooney, new ITC Recruiment Advisor. She joins ITC with a wealth of experience in the airline industry.
Kyleigh is our new Botany Campus Recruitment Advisor. She joins ITC with a vast experience of airline knowledge and flight attending experience tells us about her exciting career in travel and what she is looking forward to at ITC. (more…)
Posted in Staff News | Tagged Airline training, Aviation Training, Fun, Industry experience, ITC, ITC Award winning training, ITC Staff, ITC Team, ITCNZ, Passion for travel, Tourism training | Leave a replyDisney 2014 – new friends, a second family and the experience of a lifetime
Posted on 10/07/2014 by itcnzITC Graduate Cara Adams tells us about her experience at Disney.
How do I even start to talk about this journey, it has been such a rollercoaster ride? I am so happy that I chose to do this; I have grown while being here and have met friends that I will keep forever. There have, of course, been ups and downs in the six months I have been here so far, but all of them have been an important part of this amazing experience. (more…)
Posted in Student success | Tagged Celebrating success, Disney, Employment, Experience of a lifetime, Fun, ITC, ITC Award winning training, ITCNZ, Students in work, Tourism training, Travel Training |ITC Graduation 2014
Posted on 03/07/2014 by itcnz
ITC students celebrating their success at their Graduation at The Langham Hotel in Auckland on Friday 13th June.
Friday the 13th was not unlucky for the latest batch of ITC graduates; in fact, it was the perfect night to celebrate our graduates’ success as they embark on the next chapter in their lives.
One of the most important aspects of study at ITC is the focus on industry-relevant training, and we are grateful, as always, to the members of the travel and tourism industry who contribute so much to our graduation celebrations. (more…)
Posted in Student success | Tagged Airline training, Employment, Graduation, ITC, New Zealand Tourism Training, Passion for travel, Students, The Langham Hotel, Travel Training | Leave a replyITC’s Botany Students Take to the Lanes
Posted on 19/06/2014 by itcnz
ITC Students from the Botany campus bowling us over with their outfits!
To study travel and tourism you have to have a fun and adventurous side and our students never fail to show this off at our college events.
Last week ITC’s Botany students went 10-pin bowling at Xtreme Botany. Each team came up with a name and a theme, and in true ITC style, got dressed up to the nines. Prizes were given for a variety of achievements – some of which even involved bowling! (more…)
Posted in In the Community | Tagged Botany students, Bowling, Fun, ITC, ITC Award winning training, ITCNZ, Passion for travel, Student Event, Tourism training, Travel Training | Leave a reply2015 Scholarships now open!!
Posted on 12/06/2014 by itcnzThe International Travel College of New Zealand’s (ITC) 2015 scholarship applications are now open to those who want to study for the airport, airline, travel or tourism industries.
This is the third year that ITC has run the application process by asking students to create a video or a blog to be posted online. The entry needs to show the student’s passion and enthusiasm for the travel and tourism industries and commitment to learning. (more…)
Posted in In Schools | Tagged 2015 Scholarships, Airline training, Employment, International Awards, International Students, ITC, ITC Award winning training, ITC in Schools, New Zealand Tourism Training, Passion for travel, Tourism training, Travel Training | Leave a reply