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A low-stress approach to achieving your goals

Posted on 30/01/2018 by

Follow our tips for low-stress goal setting to achieve your dreams without losing sleep.

Do you find goal setting stressful? Do you feel anxious about achieving your goals – and guilty when you inevitably trip up?

If you’re nodding your head, this blog post is for you.

Follow this low-stress approach to achieving your goals to turn your anxiety into ambition.

We hope these tips help you achieve your airline, travel or tourism qualification in 2018.

1. Change your perspective

The first thing you need to do is change the way you think about goals. Instead of seeing them as daunting and scary, think of them as fun and exciting. Goals are designed to help you achieve your dreams and live a life full of passion and purpose. They should be your best friend; not your enemy. If your goals fill you with dread instead of excitement, then you might need to set different goals.

2. Create small, productive habits

Most goals are achieved one small step at a time. For example, you will achieve your tourism qualification by turning up to class every day and completing all your assignments on time. It’s what you do on a daily basis that makes a big impact. Commit to working on your goals every day and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you achieve them.

3. Write down your ‘why’ every week

Remind yourself of why you want to achieve your goal every week. Take five minutes every Monday morning to write it down. This small, simple habit will help you stay focused on the bigger picture – and give you the motivation you need to make an effort.

4. Ask for help whenever you need it

Very few goals are achieved alone. Most people are surrounded by a support team. If you’re studying in 2018, this will probably be your friends, family, and your ITC tutors. Ask for help whenever you need extra support or motivation, especially of your tutors. They want to see you succeed!

5. Reward yourself on the regular

Every time you work on your goal is worth celebrating in a small way. Reward yourself whenever you make an effort. For example, your reward for turning up to class every day could be half an hour of TV every night. Or a coffee from your favourite cafe. Obviously choose small rewards that are achievable and within your budget – and that don’t take you away from achieving your goal. Rewarding yourself with five hours of TV every day probably isn’t sensible; but half an hour could be a great incentive to complete your studies.

6. Shift the goalposts if you need to

We always set goals with good intentions – but, sometimes life gets in the way. It’s better to adjust your goal halfway through than to give up on it completely. There is usually a way you can achieve your goal by changing the time frame or giving yourself permission to try again. Don’t give up on your dreams if you have a small setback – just go back to the drawing board and find a new way forward.

Is one of your goals to achieve an airline, travel or tourism qualification and work in New Zealand’s exciting tourism industry? Contact ITC today to find out how we can help you get your tourism career off to a flying start. Applications for upcoming courses are open now.

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