A day in the life of John Armstrong – ITC tutor
Known for his friendly nature and great sense of humour, John has been a tutor at ITC for twelve years (and counting). He loves helping students discover the magic of a career in travel and tourism.
Describe your typical day
I spend my day teaching, marking, prepping, researching, and updating myself. I also help with referrals for both new students and alumni students (graduates).
I teach Level 3 Tourism, Level 3 Aviation, Level 4 Travel, and I’ve recently taken on Foundation IATA, which is an external paper and recognised globally. I enjoy teaching IATA because it’s a new challenge, and I tell my students each time I teach it that we are embarking on a long journey together. We learn so much. IATA is changing as this is a fast and rapidly growing industry, it’s really exciting.
How do you stay organised?
I use weekly planners – and my iPad has my life in it! I’m experienced and passionate, and I love the students I teach, which helps me stay on track.
What’s your favourite thing about your job?
My passion is travel. I live and breathe it – and I’m lucky enough to continue my passion with ITC. I have taught here for more than 10 years, and it’s been wonderful. I work for a good company with great values and that’s important. I also love working with young people – something I appreciate more and more as the years go by and I gain experience. It’s magic when I hear a past student of mine is managing an operation in Narita airport or is a tour guide in Greece. It’s magic when I meet them at the check-in counter, or as a flight attendant. ITC students are everywhere now and that provides so much satisfaction.
How do you unwind after a busy day?
I have a small farm dog with the shortest wee legs, called Caesar. Caesar is very excited when I get home and will not let me rest until he is taken for a walk. He’s very cute and he works it!
Let’s finish with a few fun questions to help students get to know you better.
Favourite time of day: Early morning, taking the dog for a walk – or sometimes late evening. Where I live there are lots of walkways around the coast.
Favourite place you’ve visited within the last 12 months: Whangateau, near Matakana, where there is a magical calm, the sea is calm, and the views are spectacular. The trees look like lollipops along the foreshore.
Favourite place in NZ: Wellington and Nelson. I also enjoy Northland where I grew up.
Favourite food: BURGERS and steak dinners. No dessert these days :-(
Currently listening to: Love 70s and 80s music (retro). Also appreciate some classical music, including opera – especially a beautiful track called Faded. I also really enjoy the latest top 10 music tracks, but don’t ask me to name the groups or artists!
Currently watching: Masterchef and food docos
Currently reading: Nothing at the moment, I love astronomy and just gazing quietly at the night sky.
Favourite advice to give to students: Don’t be average like everyone else. Be fabulous. Stand out from the crowd – it’s too easy not to put yourself out for other people. Make a difference and be the best you can be!
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