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5 advantages of enrolling right now!

Posted on 04/07/2024 by

There are plenty of great advantages to enrolling with ITC right now – here are the top 5!

Thinking of enrolling with ITC for the upcoming intake? We’ve got five great reasons why you should enrol right now!

  1. Keep the study ball rolling

Perhaps you’ve just finished up the first half of your year in high school but already know that going back just isn’t for you. Or perhaps you graduated at the end of 2023 and are looking for what’s next.

Either way, you can keep that ball rolling with your education by getting enrolled now. This way, you won’t fall out of the habit of study. But instead of wondering what to do next, you’ll be on your way to completing an industry-recognised qualification that can help you to land a great job in travel and tourism once you’re done!

  1. Get your plans locked in

Not knowing what’s next can feel daunting, and there is often also pressure from family to come up with a plan.

By enrolling now, you can take that weight off your shoulders. Not only will you have a solid plan for your future, but you’ll also have the support of a college that helps you take your qualification and turn it into a hugely rewarding and enjoyable job.

  1. Get organised

Being organised doesn’t just feel good – it’s actually a highly prized skill in travel and tourism.

After all, you have to be organised to plan or book any kind of trip, to take care of guests, and to ensure things run smoothly. It’s the kind of skill that employers will look for in any candidate, no matter the job!

  1. Be ready for the summer rush

Many of ITC’s courses (including our upcoming level 3 and 4 qualifications) take just 20-21 weeks to complete.

That means if you enrol now and start later this month, you’ll be graduating at the start of summer, right when the busy travel and tourism season gets underway. This is a great time to be graduating, as it’s when many employers are looking to fill spots.

  1. Go in to win a prize

Last but not least, who doesn’t love a prize?

Students who enrol before July 22 will go in the draw to win one of four Prezzie cards! It’s our way of encouraging students to get organised, and we can’t wait to see who wins this year – could it be you?

As a quick reminder, here are the upcoming start dates for our courses:

You can enrol online right here, or get in touch to find out more!

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